Cinnamon Queen Chicken Breed Characteristics & Facts

Cinnamon Queen Chicken

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If you have decided to add a Cinnamon Queen Chicken to the flock, well, Good Decision! As they are not only profitable to keep but also add color and beauty to the flock like Mosaic chicken.

Poultry farmers and backyard chicken owners are in awe of the breed’s ability to lay eggs and their friendly demeanor.

Even though these chickens are quite popular among farmers and locals, still, you can not find much about them on the Internet.

People looking for some important information are often left wondering how to know certain things about the breed.

Potential CQ chicken owners need to know the valuable information before introducing one to the stock.

The Cinnamon Chicken breed is a little bit different than regular breeds most backyard chicken owners keep.

Raising Cinnamon Queen Chicken is not without rewards, to offer the best care, you should be aware of their feeding habits, personality traits, and temperament.

If you know about all these aspects beforehand, it will be easier to raise chickens and make the most profit.

If you have scrolled through all the web pages and exhausted the internet, still, could not find anything useful.

Don’t despair, here’s all you need to know about the Cinnamon Queen Chicken breed.

Cinnamon Queen Chicken

Cinnamon Queen Chickens are currently the top sellers of the chicken industry as more and more farmers want to have this breed.

It is a modern-day chicken which is one of the reasons why you could not find much about it online. It is selectively bred keeping in mind the requirements of poultry farming.

The CQ’s claim to fame is its remarkable egg-laying ability, one of the reasons why it is the MOST WANTED breed among farmers.

Cinnamon Queen hens start laying eggs at a very young age.

The chicken takes the best of their parents in terms of fast body development, fast egg production, and appearance.

These modern red sex-linked hybrid chickens have no tantrums and are easy to keep owing to their docile nature.

Moreover, it is a dual-purpose breed, so, if the need is, they can be served as table birds as well.

This compact, heavy-bodied chicken does well in winter and offers a lot of delicious meat to feast on.

Primarily, these strains are bred, kept, and raised for egg production. These easy-going chickens lay eggs almost all year round.

History And Origin

Cinnamon Queen Chickens do not have a long, eventful history, rather, it is a modern hybrid chicken developed some years ago.

It is developed to meet the need of modern flock keepers and commercial egg production.

They were developed after the crossing of Rhode Island Red male and the Rhode Island White female.

Most people ask What does Cinnamon Chicken look like? They take after their ancestors in appearance and have the same coloring.

There is no “true or pure” Cinnamon Queen chicken as they are hybrids, to begin with. It is just a marketing tactic to sell the crossbreed at a higher price.

They are not heritage chicken breeds rather strains of red sex links.

Temperament And Personality Traits

People buying Cinnamon Queen for the first time are worried about the chicken’s temperament and how they will get along with the flock of multiple chicken breeds, well, they can rest easy as the chickens are known for being sweet and docile disposition.

Most Cinnamon Queen Chicken owners find them the sweetest and easiest to keep of the entire stock.

They will fit in just fine and make new friends in no time. Besides getting along with the flock, do not get shocked when they will come to you for attention.

They stay nearby their owners or kids to get attention and receive some affection. Unlike most chicken breeds, they are not afraid to show their love for their owners.

Being hardy hybrids, they do well in just about any living condition. They can survive both hotter and colder climates.

Cinnamon Queen chicken would not complain whether you keep them in confinement or with a group of other breeds.

Most people are concerned about whether it is okay to leave a child unattended around chickens.

Some chicken breeds are a bit violent and do not shy away from attacking kids or even adults. Because of their friendly nature, it is not dangerous in any way to keep them on the farm even if you have kids.

Even the children would not feel threatened by their presence. The CQ chickens will try to play with them and treat them gently.

Pedigree of Cinnamon Queen Chicken

It is a hybrid chicken, not a heritage chicken breed, therefore, it is not recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA).

If you want only a registered breed of chickens, look elsewhere.

Even though it is not a recognized breed, still, they are quite popular and accepted by the local poultry competitions.

In national, international competitions and shows, mostly registered breeds are accepted.

Even though they have been around for years no considerable effort is shown to register the breed and they are still known as “hybrid chickens”

Health & Special Care

In regards to health, this is a hardy chicken developed from one of the best chicken breeds.

They rarely get sick or develop any disorder or health problems owing to their hybrid nature.

Like most other hybrids, different genes eliminate the risk of getting genetic disease significantly.

Besides warding off genetic diseases, hybrid nature also reduces the tendencies of developing certain diseases in the later years. The medical bill will remain low for these hybrid birds.

It is just as important to vaccinate them as it is for humans and other pets.

If you are raising a pair or more than one CQs, vaccinate them as diseases quickly travel through the chickens of the same breed.

This must be done to keep them healthy throughout their life.

Cinnamon Queens, being high-production hybrid chickens, do need a little extra special care.

They need fresh feed and water containing at least 16% protein along with all other essential nutrients.

Their health and egg production will suffer if they are not given a proper diet. More importantly, their diet should not have too many whole grains.

Feed at least 90% of their food allowance as a quality pellet. Along with the daily diet, they should be occasionally given healthy, delicious snacks or treats.

These chickens are good-natured, easily pleased, delightful, and can free range on pasture.

Egg Production

Cinnamon Queens are lauded for their ability to lay eggs at a very young age than most standard breeds.

They are quick to laying eggs thanks to the fast development and the annual egg production is between 250 to 300 eggs.

If properly fed and cared for, they can lay more eggs per year.

The eggshell has a rich brown color with quality and texture. They produce large or extra-large brown eggs.

If they are perfectly healthy, Cinnamon Queens can lay up to 300 large to jumbo-sized eggs in the first year.

They keep up the good numbers and the desired egg production for at least three years. Productions fall by 15% after every molt or as they age.

Cinnamon Queens do well in winter, these winter layers lay more eggs in winter than during spring or summer.

However, laying a lot of eggs increases the risk of having reproductive tract problems.

Like other egg-laying chicken breeds, Cinnamon Queens are also susceptible to having this problem if they are forced to lay a large number of eggs per year.

Besides problems with the reproductive tract, they can develop cancer and kidney problems as well as infections when pushed to lay eggs.

If they are left to lay eggs naturally at their own pace, they will enjoy a long, healthy life along with other chickens.

They can also suffer from egg binding, if this happens, go to a vet to remove the egg. To prevent this from happening again, increase the quantity of calcium in the diet.

Color And Size

They are called Cinnamon because of their feather color. Produced after the breeding of Rhode Island Red males and Rhode Island White females, the CQ shares the same coloring as their ancestors.

Cinnamon Queen roosters are white whereas the hens are red-brown. They have clear upper ears.

Feathers of cockerels are usually white whereas hens’ feathers are reddish-brown in color. Cockerels weigh about 7.5 lbs whereas hens top the scale at 5.5 lbs.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Do Cinnamon Queen Start Laying eggs?

Cinnamon Queens start laying eggs in an early stage before most heritage breeds. Some hybrids start laying as early as 16 to 18 weeks of age.

They may lay 300, 260, and 200 eggs in the first, second, and third years respectively.

Do Cinnamon Queens Go Broody?

Not as much as other breeds but they do go broody and make exceptionally good mothers.

Most of these hybrid chickens do not go broody in the first year and about 5% go broody in the second and third year.

Do Cinnamon Queens Breed True?

They do not breed true as they are hybrids produced from two parents.

The chicks produced after mating a female and a male Cinnamon Queen will neither be sexable at bird nor will have the same form or coloring.

Wrap Up

If you can not find them locally, Cinnamon Queens can be bought from different online hatcheries. There seem naturally docile and nonconfrontational and mix well with other birds. If you have some other aggressive chicken breeds in the flock, introduce them after they are mature or 18 weeks old. These hybrid chickens have proved to be more stronger and robust than most pure breeds.

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