7 Chicken Breeds with Mohawks

Chicken Breeds with Mohawks

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Enough of regular chickens, planning to bring a unique ornamental breed home? How about a chicken breed with mohawks? There are several chicken breeds with mohawks that can be raised as regular layers/meat producers or an ornament. The most popular chicken breeds with Mohawks are the following;

Chicken Breeds with Mohawks

  • Polish
  • Silkie
  • Appenzeller Spitzhauben
  • Brabanter
  • Crevecoeur
  • Houdan chicken
  • Pavlovskaya

1. Polish


Polish is the one European chicken breed that has Mohawk. The beard, mohawk, and the topknot of feathers give the polish chicken a dramatic appearance.

This chicken breed has been around for so long that it can not be concluded when exactly Polish started existing and where do they belong.

Polish chickens have all the qualities of domestic birds. They are gentle, docile, and have quirky personalities.

Unlike most chicken breeds, Polish love to be held this makes the breed a great pet and show bird.

Moreover, Polish is a hardy breed. It does not require any different care from the regular breeds to live a balanced life.

Polish chickens are not unreliable layers however they get recognized as a good meat producer. Therefore if not as a show bird or pet, the Polish chickens are raised for meat mainly.

2. Silkie


The silkie chicken breed is known for its fluffy plumage that feels like silk or satin. It’s the same chicken breed that is spelled as Silky or recognized as Chinese Silk chicken, wu-gu-Ji, Bantam Silkie, and Bantams.

Though Silkies are more known for their funny hair and mohawks, however, they have got several unusual qualities to be noticed as well.

To be more specific, Silkies have blue earlobes, black skin, bones, and five toes on each foot (that’s super unusual as most chicken breeds have four toes).

Silkies have got a true domestic birds temperament; they are calm, friendly, and docile.

Therefore, their friendly temperament and the black meat bring Silkies to be raised at farms and backyards.

Silkies are believed to be a great layer as well however their egg production often get affected by broodiness. Therefore, Silkies are raised for meat birds, show birds, or pets.

Silkie is an expensive breed, not every chicken farmer can afford to raise it. The not-so-adult silkie chicken is being sold for $120. Moreover, their upkeep cost is also usually higher than the regular breeds.

3. Appenzeller Spitzhauben

Appenzeller Spitzhauben

As the name suggests, Appenzeller Spitzhauben is a crested chicken breed. This chicken breed originates from a historical Appenzell region of Switzerland. What’s worth knowing about Appenzeller Spitzhauben is that Switzerland recognizes this chicken breed as a “national bird”.

Appenzeller Spitzhauben is an active domestic bird. They do not like being held or confined to a place rather prefer foraging and roosting in the trees.

If there is enough space to forage and trees to roost, the Appenzeller Spitzhauben preferred not to raise.

Appenzeller Spitzhauben is best suited for a free-range system. To sprinkle salt on the wounds, Appenzeller Spitzhaubens is a good flier. Therefore, secure fencing is required to raise them.

However, Appenzeller Spitzhauben is an extremely cold-hardy bird. They do not require any special care to survive the winters and prevent frostbites.

4. Brabanter


Brabanter is an ancient Dutch heritage chicken breed that originates from Brabanter, Netherlands. In the country of origin, Brabanter is known and recognized as “Brabanconne”.

Brabanter has been here for a long time, it has made an appearance in several 17th-century paintings.

Brabanter is a hardy, good forager, and an exceptional layer. The females hardly go broody, they produce a good number of eggs each year. Therefore, they are often raised on eggs and meat. They appear like Columbian rock chickens.

Brabanters have all the qualities of a good domestic breed. They are goofy, calm, inquisitive, brave, and silly just as the chicken breed should be. What’s more worth mentioning is that Brabanter does not have any serious health issues. So, raising Brabanter would not be tricky.

5. Crevecoeur


Crevecoeur is a historic French chicken breed that went extinct around 2007. This chicken breed was somewhat related to a few norman breeds like La Fleche, Caumont, Caux, and Pavilly.

This domestic breed was used to recognized by well proportioned compact bodies, moderately sized crests, beards, solid black feathers, prominently red face, comb, earlobes, wattles, slate blue or black short legs, feet.

Crevecoeur was considered a good dual-purpose chicken breed. They were good layers and a fine meat producer with having a tremendous amount of meat on their breasts.

Crevecoeur has every quality the chicken farmers look for. They are quiet, deliberate, and happen to have a peaceful temperament.

The quiet nature and peaceful temperament is the reason why they are often preferred to raise over other breeds.

6. Houdan chicken

Houdan chicken

Houdan or Poul de Houdan is an old French crested chicken breed that originates from Houdan.

It is a standard-sized chicken breed that gets recognized by the well-proportioned compact body, small earlobes, wattles, backward flowing crest, beard, and muffing near the ears.

Houdan is one rewarding chicken breed that is normally considered for meat, eggs, and an ornament.

The chicken farmers in every part of the planet raise these domestic for profit. They generate a lot of profit from eggs and meat.

This French breed looks quite identical to the Polish chicken breed. Pink legs, fifth toe, and the nice puffy crest make these chicken breeds even more identical.

7. Pavlovskaya


Pavlovskaya is a Russian chicken breed. Pablovskaya is extremely rare, so wherever it is raised this chicken breed gets raised as an ornament.

It is simply not a Russian breed but a Russian National bird as well. These domestic birds are lively, regal, and super attractive.

Pavlovskaya is also an old breed. As per unreliable resources, it started existing and gaining popularity in the 18th century.

Though there is a lot to be praised, Pavlovskaya is most known for its proud elegant strut and beautiful gold silver color blend.

This breed was super close to extinction in 1800 and 1900. However, the chicken farmers cross-bred to save them from being endangered. Now the Pavlovskaya chickens that exist are not true Pavlovskaya but crossbreds.


Lastly, I would like to mention here that each breed is unique. Raising any breed from the above-mentioned list would be a rewarding experience.

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