Anglo-Nubian Goat: Everything You Need to Know About Them

Anglo-Nubian Goat: Everything You Need to Know About Them

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1. Anglo-Nubian goat characteristics

The Anglo Nubian is a crossbreed of British and Indian goats. They are known for their beautiful look, milk, and meat production. They are usually white, black, brown, or mixed with different colors. These breeds are typically raised for their milk production but can also produce meat highly. Anglo Nubian goats have long sized pendulous ears that hang close to their head.

They are generally short-haired and carry a Roman nose, and have long sized legs. They love grazing; however, they are also suitable for raising at home with other animals. They are easily adaptable to any environment. Anglo Nubian are typically large in size and carry more flesh than other dairy breeds.

They are also known for their milk because it contains the highest butterfat content than other standard size breeds. When it comes to their milk, they surpass the Nigerian dwarf and Pygmy goats. Their milk also has a sweetness flavor where it makes it tasty to drink. 

The Nubian is unknown to be bright and curious goats. They are charming lop-eared beauties that boast friendly and docile personalities. Due to their amicable nature, they are often kept as farm pets and not just for milk-producing purposes. They love to be stroked on the sides of their heads and necks.

Since they have a study physique and smart personality, they are used to pull carts and saddle pack animals. Just like any other goat breeds, they are kept hornless by disbudding within two weeks of their birth.

The Anglo Nubian doe is an efficient producer and has a mild temperament, and appears alert as well as feminine. They have a collapsed appearance and soft texture once they are done milking. Their legs are more potent and straighter because they need them to carry their kids. It is also not thick, and they are placed squarely under their body.

The Anglo Nubian buck should have the ability to reproduce and have the quality performance of his offspring. They should have good conformation and depth of body, which means they should be masculine but not coarse in appearance and have vigor. 

Their testicles should be of the right size, well balanced, and firm. The scrotum should be placed and allow the testes to hang away from the body. Bucks are not carriers of genes but for a neurological disease that is usually acquired by newborn Anglo Nubians. They are not often used in breeding programs because of the offspring result that they provide. 

2. At what age is an Anglo Nubian goat full grown?

Anglo-Nubian Goat: Everything You Need to Know About Them

Now, the age of the Anglo Nubian is based on its front teeth on the lower jaw. Take note that there are no teeth in their upper jaw. Once a kid is born, they will shortly have teeth on their lower jaw. These are known as their suckling teeth, where it can be sharp and small. Once their teeth are fully grown, you can tell their age.

With this said, they are not considered as full-grown at the age of two years old. This is applicable for both bucklings and doelings. A doe will not hit the full milking ability until at this age too. The breeding season for the Anglo Nubian typically lasts from July through December.

3. What do Anglo Nubian goats eat?

Anglo Nubian goats usually eat leaves, green grasses, corn, and whatever they find when they are grazing in the field. Now, you can also feed them goat feeds to have the quality outcome of milk production. Goats should have protein, fat minerals, and vitamins included just like any other domestic animal food.

Roughage is one feed that you can give your Anglo Nubian goats. Consuming this type of food can be difficult where it contains more than 18 percent fiber and less than 60 percent digestible nutrients. There are two types of roughage for goats which are dry and succulent roughage. The succulent one contains 75 to 95 percent water. Since they have a compound stomach, they can take nutrition easily from roughage feed.

Grainy feed or feed mixers are easily digestible and have enriched types of nutritious ingredients. These ingredients are protein, carbohydrate, and fat. This contains less water and less than 18 percent of fiber. Now, the total digestible nutrient is less than 60 percent. The total sources of grainy goat feed are pulse, wheat, maize, rice, gram, pea, Triticum, potato, and so much more.

To make the goat feed more balanced and nutritious, you need to mix different types of vitamins and minerals in the grainy feed. Incorporating vegetables in their food can add vitamins and minerals. When they consume roughage feed, your goats can only survive their life. However, when it comes to producing meat, milk, skin, or fur, they must have nutritious feeds.

So, it is not enough to feed them grass or anything that they get from grazing if you want them to produce good milk or meat. Mixing their food with different goat feed is the best way to achieve good production.

4. How long do Anglo Nubian goats live?

The life expectancy of Anglo Nubian goats is between 10 to 15 years. With proper care and management, they can live a full life. Making sure that they get routine maintenance will ensure that they will have a healthy and longevity of life. Hoof care and proper goat hoof trimming are vital because it allows your goat to walk without pain or inflammation in the hoof.

Health maintenance should always be carried out on a routine basis as well. This would include vaccinations or any health checkups that they may need. Now, if you will be breeding, selling kids, or showing goats, vaccines are mandatory. If you are keeping the Anglo Nubian in your own property, choose herbal preventives to ensure that the goal is clean from parasites.

By doing this maintenance, you can expect your Anglo Nubian to live a full life. 

5. How big is an Anglo Nubian goat?

Anglo-Nubian Goat: Everything You Need to Know About Them

The Anglo Nubian is at least 30 inches tall and weighs about 135 pounds when they are fully grown. Bucks, on the other hand, are at least 32 inches tall and weigh about 170 pounds. They are typically one of the largest breeds of goats.

6. What do Anglo Nubian goats need?

Just like any other goat breeds, the Anglo Nubian needs protection from the elements around their home. They don’t require an elaborate shelter, per se. If you don’t have a barn for them to stay in, a three-sided run-in shed would be enough. Make sure that there is an opening facing away from any prevailing winds. Also, provide plenty of bedding, especially for your pregnant does.

Their enclosures and pen should always be cleaned regularly. Aside from pasture, feeding them hay and dairy goat grain concentrates are also a good idea. If your local feed store doesn’t have a stock of dairy goat fee, you can choose a high protein goat chow instead. Make to check your fields or any browsing areas for plants that may taint the taste of milk for your does. 

If you do have these types of plants around, make sure to remove them or keep your goat away from them. Also, Anglo Nubians would always need access to clean water and a salt lick. Fencing them in is a good idea. They require strong fencing to make sure they are kept where you want them to be.

They tend to have the ability to escape, and due to their height, you would need to build higher fencing. An Anglo Nubian’s average height is about 32 inches tall, as I have mentioned above. If you have bucks, they tend to reach 36 inches tall, so you really need to build higher fencing for them.

You can either choose a chain-link, woven wire, or electrician fencing. You need to make sure that the minimum height of your fence is four feet high. As I’ve mentioned above, Anglo Nubians would need visits to the vet. The vet would need to put together a basic vaccination schedule for your goat. If you have kids, they should be vaccinated at about six weeks of age.

Also, expect to worm your Anglo Nubians for every one or two months, depending on the climate where you live. They usually live in warm, humid parts of the country and usually require more frequent deworming than ones that live in colder climates.

As I have mentioned above, make sure to trim their hooves about every month. This way, it wouldn’t hurt them while walking. Now, the frequency of trimming their hooves would depend on their growth rates and natural wear. 

7. Do Anglo Nubian goats have horns?

Anglo Nubians grow black or brown horns that grow backward along each side of their neck towards their body. It will then eventually curl outward. Horns begin to sprout at the age of three weeks old, and male, as well as female horns, grow about eight to ten inches during the first year. If Nubians are well-nourished, they will produce heavier horns that can be about two feet long.

If you see your Anglo Nubian have grown scurs, you should have them dehorned. Scurs are deformed horns that grow when goats are kids. It is usually found around the edges of their horn buds. Scurs tend to break easily, and when they indulge their natural urge to butt their head against something, they can injure their playmate with the deformed spikes.

It is always best to have them deformed in these types of scenarios.

8. How much is an Anglo Nubian goat?

Anglo Nubian goats’ standard price is around $150 to $300 each (male and female). Of course, this would vary on the location, age, sex, and if they are purebred. There are a couple of things that you should consider when buying an Anglo Nubian. If you want to purchase a doeling or nanny goat, make sure to ask to taste the milk.

If it doesn’t have the known sweet taste of milk associated with this break, it could indicate mastitis or other health problems. Make sure to check the goat pens and their living area. If you discover that their living area is overcrowded and not kept in an orderly or clean manner, it could indicate a lack of proper care.

If you are thinking of getting a purebred Anglo Nubian, with or without papers, make sure to look at both the animal and the breeding pair carefully. If you don’t mind a Nubian cross or want a Nubian Nigerian, then floor these same inspection tactics. You can expect to pay less than what you would for a 100 percent Anglo Nubian goat for either sex or age.

9. How many babies can an Anglo Nubian goat have?

Anglo-Nubian Goat: Everything You Need to Know About Them

Anglo Nubians can give birth to two or three baby goats are the most common number. However, they can give birth to as many as five kids at a time. Now, a doe should not be bred until she is at least eight months of age and weighs in at about 80 pounds for best results. They can mature enough to reproduce when they are only seven weeks old.

However, mating at this young age is not advisable because it can lead to deadly kidding, stillborn kids, and chronic health problems for both the nanny and the kids. You do have to note that bucklings and doelings don’t reach their full mature size and development until they are two years old. So, a doe would not be hitting her full milking ability until then. 

10. How long can you milk an Anglo Nubian goat?

The lactation period of Anglo Nubian goats on average is about 284 days. With this said, you can milk your Anglo Nubian for this period of time. Mostly the peak production occurs from for to six weeks after kidding. Their milk is considered to be the most popular because of its sweet taste and high butterfat yield.

11. Do Anglo Nubian goats stink?

Just like any other breed of goats, they may stink at times because of their scent and urine glands. There are times when bucks tend to urinate on their own faces and stick their heads in the urine streams of other goats, where they get the smell. If you hate that smell on your hands after taking care of your Anglo Nubians, make sure to buy yourself a goat soap to remove the smell.

12. Are Anglo Nubian goats easy to care for?

Anglo Nubians need the attention and care to have a happy and full life. Now, for you to ensure their safety while they graze, you would need to have a taller fence than them. This means you should have at least four feet high of fencing, as mentioned above. To get the best milk and meat possible, you have to take care of what they eat and their diet.

Taking care of Anglo Nubians may not be as easy as other goat breeds whom you can leave grazing in the field. If you want the best results, providing them with the best food possible is important.

13. Can you keep Anglo Nubian goats in the house?

As you may know, goats are great in spacious places with lots of plants, grass, and a place where they can graze. Keeping them inside your house is not ideal since they tend to be destructive and roam around your home. Also, they eat and drink throughout the day, so you can expect a lot of urine and defecate around your home if you keep them inside.

If you have a big yard or a farm where they can graze, it would be an ideal space for them. You just need to make sure that they have proper shelter for protection from different weather conditions.

14. Are Anglo Nubian goats noisy?

Anglo Nubians are really loud. They bleat loudly and often, so if you are thinking of keeping them in a place where you have a lot of neighbors, it might not be the best idea. If they want attention, it will bleat until you give it to them. If they are bored, thirsty, hungry, cold, they will bleat. They bleat so loud, you can hear it from a quarter of a mile. 

15. Anglo-Nubian goat facts

The Anglo Nubians are the oldest goat species in the world. They are from Great Britain, and during the nineteenth century, they were crossbred with lop-eared goats from India, North Africa, and the Middle East. The Nubian goats were imported to England in 1883 via Paris, France.

Eventually, the English settlers brought their Anglo Nubian goats around the world because of their source of milk and meat. It will eventually reach the United States in 1913, where they are recognized officially as breeds.

Anglo Nubians may not be the perfect pet for a home, but they are perfect to be kept on a farm where you can make the most of their milk production. Providing them with the love and care they need, rest assured you will have a happy Nubian on your property.

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