Why Do Bulls Get Angry? 3 Reasons

Why Do Bulls Get Angry

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Most people are afraid of bulls and do not step foot in a territory with a bull in it, rightfully so. Bulls always seem to be angry and aggressive for no apparent reason. We all have seen enough bullfighting to know how aggressive they can be.

Any wise man would not want to get the bull enraged and deal with the unwanted consequences.

Bull’s aggression is the result of many internal and external factors. So, it is important to state facts regarding why bulls get angry.

Why Do Bulls Get Angry?

Aggressive, angry, and rage are some of the labels given to the bulls. These labels assigned to the bulls are well-deserving due to their behavioral attributes.

Bulls tend to be more aggressive than cows and are less socialized.

Some bulls are genetically inclined to be aggressive whereas others become aggressive due to fear, mishandling, torture, and other factors. The bull’s bellicosity also results from different factors.

Bulls are also naturally aggressive owing to the chemistry in their brain. They always have to challenge and fight other herd members for dominance. Most cow herds are only managed by a single bull, enjoying dominance all along.

It is wise to stay away from the bulls as they are territorial, have higher hormone levels, and have less interaction with humans. The bull’s aggression and anger stem from these aforementioned causes.

Common Causes of Anger in Bulls

Territorial – Bulls can be very territorial of their space and partners. They do not shy away from attacking walkers, hikers, and other animals that dare to step foot in their territory.

Bull attacks are extremely dangerous, lethal, and life-threatening. Their horns are capable of doing worse.

Bulls also become possessive when around cows and likely attack anyone who disrupts them during breeding. It is observed that dairy bulls get angry more quickly than beef bulls.

Bull’s fight or flight response becomes activated when someone is within a radius of 20 feet. Within this radius, not many predators can outrun a bull and are more likely to get injured.

Less Social Interaction

Bulls are often kept isolated to save other members from injury. The only time they get their due attention is in the breeding season.

As Bull’s name show, they do not get to socialize much with humans and other cows resulting in aggression.

Besides being used less around other cows, bulls do not get any special treatment on the farms.

They are also ignored by farmers who leave them to their devices for several months at a time.

In addition to occasional hoof trimming and some interaction during the breeding season, bulls rarely get any attention. Learn Bull vs. Buffalo

As they are not used to interacting or working around people, they react angrily and aggressively upon seeing humans and other animals.

Isolation from the herd is one of the reasons they act terribly around people.

Higher Testosterone Hormone Levels

Primarily raised and kept for cow breeding, their reproductive organs are left intact.

Compared to regular castrated beef cattle, they have a higher level of testosterone hormone in their system.

The level of testosterone is directly related to the aggression level. The higher the testosterone level, the more aggressive the bull will be. That’s why bulls express more anger than heifers, cows, and steers.

Because of higher hormone levels, the meat of the bull is usually not eaten as the testosterone gives it a bad taste.

Whenever a bull is near a heifer in heat, it will destroy whoever or whatever coming its way, running madly, and in extreme cases, jumping over fences.

What Do Bulls Do When They Are Angry?

Bulls come into fight mode and attack other animals or instigators. The attack of a bull can be painful, dangerous, and deadly.

Horned bulls use their horns to maximize damage. If the cause of anger is fear-based or other, bulls kick to defend and fight.

Aggression in Bulls

All bulls are naturally aggressive and some bulls are bred to be aggressive. According to studies, Even bulls with more social interactions are still likely to be more aggressive than cows.

Some bulls are friendly with farmers who raised and fed them from birth. However, It is their nature to be aggressive because of the higher testosterone levels.

Why Do Bulls Get Angry When Seeing Red Color?

It is a misconception of many people that the red color instigates the bulls making them angry and aggressive during bullfighting.

Bulls are color-blind to the color red, so, they do not see red, let alone be instigated by it.

The aggressive whipping of the Muleta irritates the bull, so, they angrily respond, and charge at the Matador.


Bulls stay true to the angry and aggressive stereotypes, and almost anything happening around them can make them angry. Territorial nature, lack of socialization, and higher testosterone levels are believed to be three major root causes of aggression.

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