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Tractor tires weigh only a few percent of the whole body. The weight gives the ability to increase traction and stability. Tires contribute with their dimensions and tread patterns. Tire circuits in training programs are developed for the sheer size and weight.
Tractor tire weight depends on the size of the tractor. The bulk of the weight in the tractors is borne by the engine and body of the tractor. Tire weights accordingly to match for maximum torque and efficient fuel consumption. Therefore larger the size of the engine and body of the tractor larger the tractor tires.
Here are some of the tractor tire weights according to their size and tractor brand. All the data in the following tables below is gathered from respective sites of tractor brands and .
Tractor Brand Tire Size Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH 420/85 R34 1578 245 Case IH 480/70R28 1425 229 Case IH 540/65R28 1412 270 Case IH 600/65R28 1491 290 Deutz Fahr 540/65R34 1570 280 Deutz Fahr 280/85 R20″ 985 78 Deutz Fahr 360/70 R20″ 1052 101 FENDT 650/60R38 1742 501 FENDT 650/65R34 1720 444 FENDT 600/65R34 1644 336 FENDT 600/70R34 1705 354 FENDT 540/65R30 1486 254 FENDT 540/65R34 1570 280 FENDT 480/70R28 1425 229 FENDT 540/65R28 1412 270 FENDT 480/65R28 1335 207 FENDT 440/65R24 1192 149 FENDT 480/65R24 1238 198 FENDT 320/70R24 1098 103 FENDT 380/70R24 1190 136 John Deere 7.50R16 820 36 John Deere 12.5/80-18 in. I3 Bias 987 92 John Deere 230/95R40 R1 1460 106 John Deere 230/95 R40 122A8 Radial 1460.5 117 John Deere 6.50R16 760 24 John Deere 540/65R28 1412 270 John Deere 600/65R28 1491 290 John Deere 420/85R30 1491 215 SAME 420/85 R28″ 1354 188 Case IH 710/70R42 2088 741 Case IH 480/80 R50 2045 429 Case IH 580/70R38 1827 479 Case IH 650/65R38 1811 496 Case IH 650/65R42 1931 482 Deutz Fahr 710/60R42 1920 588 Deutz Fahr 900/60R42 2147 893 Deutz Fahr 710/75R42 2140 741 Deutz Fahr 650/85R38 2063 720 Deutz Fahr 360/70 R20 1052 109 Deutz Fahr 420/70 R24 1250 181 Deutz Fahr 420/85 R24 1324 190 Deutz Fahr 340/85 R28 1293 147 Deutz Fahr 380/85 R28″ 1360 185 Deutz Fahr 420/70 R30 1402 219 FENDT 750/70R44 2180 915 FENDT 750/75R46 2287 860 FENDT 710/70R42 2061 686 FENDT 710/75R42 2140 741 FENDT 650/65R42 1913 516 FENDT 650/85R38 2063 720 FENDT 580/70R38 1827 430 FENDT 650/65R38 1825 514 FENDT 600/65R38 1746 437 FENDT 540/65R34 1570 302 FENDT 540/65R38 1667 331 FENDT 420/85R30 1491 231 FENDT 480/70R30 1480 249 FENDT 480/70R34 1580 277 John Deere 280/70 R18 855 64 John Deere 19.5L – 24 In 10PR R4 Bias 1313.18 206 John Deere 230/95R40 R1 1460 115 John Deere 230/95 R40 R1W Radial 1460 115 John Deere 260/70 R16 770 53 John Deere 650/65R38 1825 514 John Deere 710/70R38 1950 580 John Deere 520/85R42 R1W 1958 412 NEW HOLLAND 710/70R42 2061 686 SAME 460/85 R38″ 1761 320 SAME 16.9 -28″ 1435 161
12.5/80-18 in. I3 Bias
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5090EL 7055 987 92 John Deere 5100ML 8298 – 8740 987 92 John Deere 5115ML 8298 – 8740 987 92 John Deere 5125ML 8740 987 92
16.9 -28″
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) SAME TIGER COMPACT 46 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 50 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 55 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 60 5512/4630 1435 161
19.5L – 24 In 10PR R4 Bias
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5090EL 7055 1313.18 206 John Deere 5100ML 8298 – 8740 1313.18 206 John Deere 5115ML 8298 – 8740 1313.18 206 John Deere 5125ML 8740 1313.18 206
230/95 R40 122A8 Radial
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) SAME TIGER COMPACT 46 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 50 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 55 5512/4630 1435 161 SAME TIGER COMPACT 60 5512/4630 1435 161
230/95 R40 R1W Radial
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5090EL 7055 1313.18 206 John Deere 5100ML 8298 – 8740 1313.18 206 John Deere 5115ML 8298 – 8740 1313.18 206 John Deere 5125ML 8740 1313.18 206
230/95R40 R1
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5115RH 9811 1460.5 117 John Deere 5115RH 9811 1460 115
260/70 R16
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5100MH 8000 – 8900 1460 106 John Deere 5100MH 8000 – 8900 1460 115
280/70 R18
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5075GV 5864 – 6558 770 53 John Deere 5090GV 5577 – 6051 770 53
280/85 R20″
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5075GL 5864 – 5864 855 64 John Deere 5075GL 5864 – 6558 855 64 John Deere 5075GN 5864 – 6558 855 64 John Deere 5090GN 5577 – 6051 855 64 John Deere 5100GN 5864 – 6558 855 64
320/70 R24
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5070 5D Keyline Series 7055 985 78 Deutz Fahr 5080 5D Keyline Series 7055 985 78
340/85 R28
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 207 Vario 9039 1098 103 FENDT 208 Vario 9127 1098 103
360/70 R20
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5120 G 9524 1293 147 Deutz Fahr 5080 G 7937 1052 109 Deutz Fahr 5090 G 7981 1052 109
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5090 5D Keyline Series 7055 1052 101 Deutz Fahr 5100 5D Keyline Series 7055 1052 101
380/85 R28″
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 209 Vario 9303 1190 136 FENDT 210 Vario 9303 1190 136
420/70 R24
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5070 5D Keyline Series 7055 1360 185 Deutz Fahr 5080 5D Keyline Series 7055 1360 185
420/70 R30
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5100 G 8642 1250 181 Deutz Fahr 5110 G 8642 1250 181
420/85 R24
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5090 5D Keyline Series 7055 1402 219 Deutz Fahr 5100 5D Keyline Series 7055 1402 219
420/85 R28″
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 5110 G PLUS 9303 1324 190
420/85 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) SAME Laser 130 11438-12787 1354 188 SAME Laser 145 11438-12787 1354 188 SAME Laser 165 12375-13966 1354 188 SAME Laser 180 12375-13966 1354 188
420/85 R30
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH MagnumTM 310 25166 1578 245 Case IH MagnumTM 340 26874 1578 245 Case IH MagnumTM 380 26874 1578 245 Case IH MagnumTM 400 26874 1578 245 Case IH Magnum 250 28600 1578 245 Case IH Magnum 280 28600 1578 245 Case IH Magnum 310 36000 1578 245 Case IH Magnum 340 29600 1578 245
440/65 R24
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 6230R 20503 1491 215 John Deere 6250R 20503 1491 215 FENDT 207 Vario 9039 1491 231
460/85 R38″
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 311 Vario 10692 1192 149 FENDT 312 Vario 10692 1192 149 FENDT 211 Vario 9436 1192 149
480/65 R24
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) SAME Laser 130 11438-12787 1761 320 SAME Laser 145 11438-12787 1761 320 SAME Laser 165 12375-13966 1761 320 SAME Laser 180 12375-13966 1761 320
480/65 R28
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 313 Vario 11045 1238 198 FENDT 314 Vario 11045 1238 198
480/70R 28
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 512 Vario 13338 1335 207 FENDT 513 Vario 13338 1335 207 Case IH Puma 140 11905 1425 229 Case IH Puma 155 12346 1425 229 Case IH Puma 180 15102 1425 229 FENDT 714 Vario 17053 1425 229 FENDT 514 Vario 14110 1425 229
480/70 R30
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 208 Vario 9127 1480 249
480/70 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 209 Vario 9303 1580 277 FENDT 210 Vario 9303 1580 277
480/80 R50
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH MagnumTM 310 25166 2045 429 Case IH MagnumTM 340 26874 2045 429 Case IH MagnumTM 380 26874 2045 429 Case IH MagnumTM 400 26874 2045 429 Case IH Magnum 250 28600 2045 429 Case IH Magnum 280 28600 2045 429 Case IH Magnum 310 36000 2045 429 Case IH Magnum 340 29600 2045 429
520/85R42 R1W
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 6230R 20503 1958 412 John Deere 6250R 20503 1958 412
540/65 R28
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Puma 210 15102 1412 270 FENDT 716 Vario 17053 1412 270 FENDT 718 Vario 17174 1412 270 FENDT 516 Vario 14110 1412 270 John Deere 6145M 13668 1412 270 John Deere 6145R 9193 1412 270
540/65 R30
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 822 Vario 20657 1486 254 FENDT 824 Vario 20657 1486 254 FENDT 720 Vario 17593 1486 254 FENDT 722 Vario 17593 1486 254 FENDT 724 Vario 17593 1486 254
540/65 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 8280 TTV 20944/22487 1570 280 FENDT 826 Vario 20988 1570 280 FENDT 828 Vario 20988 1570 280 FENDT 311 Vario 10692 1570 302 FENDT 312 Vario 10692 1570 302 FENDT 211 Vario 9436 1570 302
540/65 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 313 Vario 11045 1667 331 FENDT 314 Vario 11045 1667 331
580/70 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Puma 140 11905 1827 479 Case IH Puma 155 12346 1827 479 Case IH Puma 180 15102 1827 479 FENDT 714 Vario 17053 1827 430 FENDT 514 Vario 14110 1827 430
6.50 R16
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5075GV 5864 – 6558 760 24 John Deere 5090GV 5577 – 6051 760 24
600/65 R28
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Puma 225 15873 1491 290 John Deere 6155M 14770 1491 290 John Deere 6175M 16534 1491 290 John Deere 6195M 16534 1491 290 John Deere 6155R 9193 1491 290 John Deere 6175R 9480 – 10690 1491 290 John Deere 6195R 9480 – 10690 1491 290
600/65 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 933 Vario 24912 1644 336
600/65 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 512 Vario 13338 1746 437 FENDT 513 Vario 13338 1746 437
600/70 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 936 Vario 25133 1705 354 FENDT 939 Vario 25133 1705 354
650/60 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 1038 Vario 30865 1742 501 FENDT 1042 Vario 30865 1742 501 FENDT 1046 Vario 30865 1742 501 FENDT 1050 Vario 30865 1742 501 FENDT 942 Vario 25970 1742 501
650/65 R34
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 930 Vario 24912 1720 444
650/65 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Puma 210 15102 1811 496 FENDT 716 Vario 17053 1825 514 FENDT 718 Vario 17174 1825 514 FENDT 516 Vario 14110 1825 514 John Deere 6145M 13668 1825 514 John Deere 6145R 9193 1825 514
650/65 R42
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Puma 225 15873 1931 482 FENDT 822 Vario 20657 1913 516 FENDT 824 Vario 20657 1913 516 FENDT 720 Vario 17593 1913 516 FENDT 722 Vario 17593 1913 516 FENDT 724 Vario 17593 1913 516
650/85 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 8280 TTV 20944/22487 2063 720 FENDT 826 Vario 20988 2063 720 FENDT 828 Vario 20988 2063 720
7.50 R16
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 5075GL 5864 – 5864 820 36 John Deere 5075GL 5864 – 6558 820 36 John Deere 5075GN 5864 – 6558 820 36 John Deere 5090GN 5577 – 6051 820 36 John Deere 5100GN 5864 – 6558 820 36
710/60 R42
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV WARRIOR 19180 1920 588 Deutz Fahr 7230 TTV AGROTRON 18078 – 20062 1920 588
710/70 R38
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) John Deere 6155M 14770 1950 580 John Deere 6175M 16534 1950 580 John Deere 6195M 16534 1950 580 John Deere 6155R 9193 1950 580 John Deere 6175R 9480 – 10690 1950 580 John Deere 6195R 9480 – 10690 1950 580
710/70 R42
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Case IH Steiger 400 36048 2088 741 FENDT 930 Vario 24912 2061 686 FENDT 933 Vario 24912 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.435 Wheeled 38571 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.480 Wheeled 39820 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.530 Wheeled and SmartTrax™ 39820 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.565 Wheeled and SmartTrax™ 39820 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.600 Wheeled and SmartTrax™ 45325 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.645 Wheeled and SmartTrax™ 49330 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.700 Wheeled and SmartTrax™ 49330 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.435 35848 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.480 40169 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.530 40169 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.565 40169 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.600 44046 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.645 44046 2061 686 NEW HOLLAND T9.700 44046 2061 686
710/75 R42
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 9290 TTV AGROTRON 26455 2140 741 Deutz Fahr 9310 TTV AGROTRON 26455 2140 741 Deutz Fahr 9340 TTV AGROTRON 26455 2140 741 FENDT 936 Vario 25133 2140 741 FENDT 939 Vario 25133 2140 741
750/70 R44
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 1038 Vario 30865 2180 915 FENDT 942 Vario 25970 2180 915
750/75 R46
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) FENDT 1042 Vario 30865 2287 860 FENDT 1046 Vario 30865 2287 860 FENDT 1050 Vario 30865 2287 860
900/60 R42
Tractor Brand Model/Series Tractor Weight(lbs) Diameter (mm) Tire Weight(lbs) Deutz Fahr 9340 TTV WARRIOR 26015 2147 893 Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV AGROTRON 18078 – 20062 2147 893