How Much Does An Emu Cost?

How Much Does An Emu Cost

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Emu raising is an unconventional business model that benefits in various forms of emu products. The emu industry seems to be a million-dollar industry in near future. 

The high demands of emu products are the premium quality red meat and the fine quality leather with crude oil. Emu meat is low in cholesterol and has got a boost in demand and it does cost a bit higher than beef. That’s why emu ranch is the bright future industry with unconventional profits.

Emu ranching is a growing business that has two main purposes. The primary purpose of the emu ranch is to raise the newly hatched emu chicks and sell them at high costs. The secondary purpose is to raise them to twelve months and sell them for meat, oil, or leather products. Emus is a dangerous bird and can attack sometimes.

If you have an interest in ranching, then you are in the right place. This guide completely focuses on the costs to raise the emus. The major reason for less growth of this industry is the less transformation of knowledge to the local person.

All aspects of raising emus, cost to buy an emu bird, what do emu eat, cost to establish a new farm and the revenue of emu ranching are discussed in this guide.

Let’s get started.

How Much Does an Emu Cost?

Finding an emu bird in the United States is extremely difficult if you don’t know the emu farms. Texas has considered the popular state having the most number of emus in the United States.

An emu cost completely depends on the age and breed of the chick. An emu chick costs around $3,000 to $4,000 per chick if having the age of three to four months.

While a seven days old emu chick costs around $1,000 per chick but finding a chick of this age is a bit difficult.

How Much Does an Emu Egg Cost?

The price of eggs of emus varies by the fertility status of the egg. If the egg is infertile then it will cost around $30 to $50 per egg. While a fertile emu egg costs almost $100 per egg.

How Much Does an Emu Yearling Cost?

Purchasing the yearling emus has advantages over young chicks in form of estimation of adult size, conformation, and insurability. 

An emu yearling pair costs around $11,000 to $19,000 for sexed pairs. This costs around $5,500 to $9,500 per yearling of emu for a single bird.

How Much Does a Proven Breeding Pair of Emus Cost?

The proven breeding pair of emus cost around $8,000 to $30,000 depending on the historical number of fertile eggs the pair has produced each mating season. 

A proven breeding pair can lay around thirty to fifty fertile eggs per mating season.

How Much Space Does an Emu Need?

Emu requires a wide space for living as being quite active birds they need space to run. An emu pair needs space around thirty by one hundred feet pen per pair.

Emus are energetic jumpers so fencing of the pen is necessary to stop them. They will need shelter, feed pens.

An Emu Chick Cost

An emu chick’s cost depends on the age of the emu, breeding qualities, bird qualities, and country. 

An emu chick costs around as little as $1,000 per chick.

Fencing cost

A six-foot fence is recommended for emu keeping. The fence should be of good quality and made of chain links or woven wire. 

The cost to install the fence depends on the area covered. Installing the fence from professional costs around $8 to $16 per foot. 

Feed cost

Emus are large-sized birds and their body needs regular feeding or grazing. If they are allowed to feed in pasture then recommended no more than 20 emus per acre. 

Emu feeds on low fiber pellet feed. Aside from low pellet feed, they also need supplements of vitamins and minerals. The feed cost of low pellet costs around $400 per ton. While an adult emu eats an average of 1-½  pounds of ground or pelleted feed per day.

What do emus eat

Emus eat low fiber pellet feed. Besides the low pellet feed, they also eat a wide variety of grasses, fruits, leaves, insects.

Emus need regular supplements, vitamins and minerals.

Emu Products

Emu oil

Emu oil is a side product by emu’s fat stores. It contains Omega 9,3,6 fatty acids that are used in skin moisturizers.

Each emu provides around 6 liters of oil that have a big use in pharmaceuticals, creams, rubbing oils, and fragrances. A great revenue can be generated by selling this oil to industries.

Fine leather

High-quality leather produced from the skin of emus is the major benefit and revenue to the emus ranching industry.

The high quality, soft, subtle leather is used in wallets, handbags, western boots, and shoes.

Red meat

According to research, Emu provides red, lean meat that is low in fats and cholesterol. Additionally, it is high in proteins and iron, which makes it a valuable diet item among the healthy foods.

Nutritional value of emu meat

Emu meat is far better than beef and other meats in terms of proteins, fats, and cholesterol amounts. Emu meat also known as red meat has a bright future due to its low cholesterols and fats.

Emu’s red meat contains:

  • High proteins
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Low cholesterols
  • Fewer fats

The emu meat tends to be lean and that’s the reason to add it to the list of healthy protein choices by the American Heart Association.

Emu Ranching

Emu – a member of the ratite family, is native to Australia and uncommonly found in the United States. They are observed as the second-largest bird in the world after ostrich being the first largest one. 

Emus have a tall standing body with five to six feet tall that collectively weighs around 140 pounds. Like ostriches, emus are flightless birds having the feathers that are used in the fashion industry.

They possess a fair calm disposition and are easy to work with. But they are a little shy and that thing can be curious. Emus are especially interested in shiny objects.

Revenue of emu ranching

Emu ranching is known as the unconventional profitable industry that generates profit in form of various products. All of these products collectively add up a lot in revenue.

  • According to research gate If you purchase young chicks and raise them to adulthood and then a proven emu breeding pair can be sold at $8,000 to $30,000. 
  • Offering or selling an emu for slaughtering will pay around $500 to $800 per adult animal. A single breeding pair produces more meat and leather than one cow breeding pair.
  • An adult emu produces around seven to eight liters of fine oil that is used in fragrances, creams, and pharmaceuticals. A lot of revenue generated by selling that oil.
  • Selling the leather and feathers of emu adds up a major value in the revenue of emu ranch.


Final words

The cost of an emu depends on the size, age, breeding qualities of the bird. An emu of age having three to four months costs around $3,000 to $4,000 per bird. 

Buying a young chick costs less but it does need extra care in the early days. While an adult has an advantage in form of conformation and breeding qualities.

Buying a young chick and raising them to adult age will generate a lot of revenue in the form of emu products like meat, leather, feathers, and fine organic oil.


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